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Linda Archuleta

Secretary: Principal Es

David Johnson

Coordinator: Community Schools

Travis Tester

Principal: Elementary School

Teachers & Librarians

Monica Aranda

Teacher: Classroom

Angela Bartlett


Natalie Cervantes

Teacher: Itinerant Music

Brent Diaz

Teacher: Classroom

Stephanie Felsch

Teacher: Classroom

Isela Imai

Technology Coordinator and Support
Teacher: Technology

Jim Largo

Teacher: Physical Education

Michelle Lyden

Teacher: Interventionist

Blanca Melendrez

Teacher: Classroom

Irma Renteria De Delgado

Teacher: Pre-K

Richard Romero

Teacher: Classroom

Samantha Schiowitz

Teacher: Classroom

Angela Bartlett


Special Education

Gloria Mcnab

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Karina Orona Acosta

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Gayety Payne

Student Support Coordinator
Teacher: Resource

Vladimir Pett

Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre

Anna Trujillo

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Educational Assistant

Adrian Acosta Villa

Educ Asst: Behavior Redirector

Maira Diaz

Educ Asst: Kindergarten

Cecilia Galaviz

Educ Asst: Bilingual

Raven Lewis

Educ Asst: Health

Yareth Moncada Castro

Educ Asst: Bilingual

Karina Orona Acosta

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Vladimir Pett

Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre

Staff Directory

Luis Candelaria

Custodian: D1

Tina Chacon


Anthony Garcia

Custodian: D1

Diego Gonzales

Custodian: Head

Raven Lewis

Educ Asst: Health

Geralyn Maes

Cafeteria Supervisor
Site Supervisor: Fs

Alicia Rodriguez


Section 504 Coordinator

Travis Tester
